Tuesday, November 25, 2014

10 Questions With...Jennifer Estep

Jennifer Estep is one of my and my wife's most loved authors. Her Bigtime, Mythos Academy, and Elemental Assassin series have been favorites of ours and she's got a new series, Black Blade, coming soon and we can't wait. Jennifer has a new book out today Black Widow which is the 12th book in the Elemental Assassin series. For those unfamiliar the series is about Gin Blanco, an assassin known as the Spider and also a BBQ joint owner. She can control the elements of ice and stone which aid her in her duties as an assassin. I can't recommend this series highly enough as it's got fantasy creatures such as giants and vampires, an assassin who isn't conflicted about what she does to pay the bills, and a supporting cast of characters for which you'll want to root. Leave a comment and you'll be entered in a random drawing to win a copy of Black Widow (open to US resident's only). Winner will be chosen on Black Friday. Thanks to Jennifer for taking the time to answer my questions:

1. What is your favorite part of the writing process? 

JE: Typing “The End” on a book. LOL. Seriously, though, I always enjoy finishing a book because it is such a sense of accomplishment, that I have taken all these thousands of words and hopefully turned them into a story that folks will read and enjoy.

2. What is your least favorite part of the writing process? 

JE: Reading and re-reading through my books. I do several drafts of each book, along with copyedits, page proofs, and more. So by the time a book is finally finished, I am thoroughly sick of reading and re-reading it so many times.

3. What, outside of writing, makes you happy? 

JE: Reading for fun, of course. Also, watching movies and TV, and hanging out with friends and family.

4. What, outside of writing, do you hate to do and wish you could hire someone to do for you? 

JE: Washing dishes

5. What word do you love? 

JE: Macabre

6. What word do you hate? 

JE: Can’t

7. What is your favorite food when under deadline?

JE: I love comfort food, so fried chicken, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, and cheese fries are all good with me.

8. What profession, other than yours, would you like to give one of your characters? 

JE: I think it would be fun to run a bookstore, so one of my characters will probably do that at some point in one of my books.

9. What profession, other than yours, would you not have a character do?

JE: Probably being a dentist. Does anyone really like going to the dentist? LOL.

10. If heaven exists, what three books would you like to find in the library there?

JE: Beauty by Robin McKinley; Casino Royale by Ian Fleming; and Bank Shot by Donald E. Westlake

Thank you...

My to-be-read pile is huge. It's made bigger because I'm in graduate school and thus reading for pleasure is something I don't get to do often. Yet there are those authors that, as soon as they publish a book, I am going to buy it and start reading. I want to take a minute and acknowledge those authors and say thank you for the pleasure they've given me. So to:

Nikki Duncan
Jennifer Estep
Liliana Hart
Candace Havens
Mark Henry
Nicole Peeler
Vicki Lewis Thompson
Jaye Wells

Thank you for doing what seems impossible. You take the English language and you pluck out words and put them to paper. You create characters that then come to life and put your words into action so that as we read these characters become real to us. For a few hours (in my wife's case) or a few weeks (*grumble* stupid grad school taking up all my time *grumble*) we can lose ourselves in the world you have created. So keep writing and I'll keep reading anything and everything you publish.